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50785 - Swimming Contest

• Вопросы к жюри (2)

Задачи раздела

• 50815 - Breaking the Bunker
• 50437 - Age Labeling
• 50500 - Find Student
• 50786 - Top Question
• 50788 - Eight Puzzle
• 50504 - School contest
• 50787 - Expected Value
• 50859 - Low performance
• 50785 - Swimming Contest
• 50826 - Olive Containers
• 50866 - Buy the cheapest
• 50999 - Overlapping Trips
• 50507 - Sequential Numbers
• 50501 - The Highest Average
• 50434 - Row Min Subtraction
• 50980 - The smallest rectangle
• 50860 - Number of Student Certificates

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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Swimming Contest

In swimming contests, the swimmers jump/fall into water from platforms of different heights while performing acrobatics. They are evaluated by many judges. Every judge gives a point between 0 and 10. When calculating the average of each jump, two of the evaluations (max and min) are discarded. And, the average is calculated out of other points given by judges.

Question: Write a program that is going to read swimming information for n swimmers. Then, your program should calculate and show the winner.

Input specification
You will be given three integers in the first line:

  • n: the number of people
  • m: the number of juries
  • k: the number of platforms
where 1 ≤ n ≤ 100, 1 ≤ m ≤ 20, and 1 ≤ k ≤ 20. Then, in the following n lines you will have the information for swimmers. In every line, you will be first given the name of the swimmer and that is followed by m points given by the judges. Information for n swimmers will be repeated k times for platforms. Swimmer information appear in the same order for every platform

Output specification
Show the name of winner.

Sample Input I
3 6 2
Shaun 8.4 5.6 7.2 9.2 8.1 5.7
George 5.4 8.7 6 9.9 7.6 8.3
Kim 7.5 5.2 5.9 9.1 8.5 9
Shaun 7.8 8.6 6.6 8.7 7.8 8.6
George 9.9 9.6 8.3 9.2 6.7 7.5
Kim 8 8.9 9.1 8.9 9.1 7.1
Sample Output I

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