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Сборники > Фёдор Меньшиков. Тренировки > задача:

50820 - Post Office

• Вопросы к жюри (1)

Задачи сборника

• 50313 - Pattern Displays
• 50320 - Random Sorted List
• 50336 - Buying Carpets
• 50338 - Convert Into Decimal
• 50295 - Weighted Average
• 50815 - Breaking the Bunker
• 50899 - How Many Years
• 50806 - TVSH
• 50820 - Post Office
• 50810 - Print Office
• 50952 - Derby Tirana
• 50807 - Euro to Leke
• 50871 - Harmonic Mean
• 50859 - Low performance
• 50508 - The Biggest Area
• 50528 - Rock-Scissors-Paper
• 50744 - The Smallest Perimeter

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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Post Office

National Post office calculates the prices according to two criteria:

The distance of countries:
  1. In country: 0.5
  2. Neighboring countries: 1
  3. the countries in Europe: 1.5
  4. Asia, Africa: 2
  5. America: 3
  6. Other countries: 5
          Weight in grams
  1. 1 - 50 gr: 1
  2. 51 - 100 gr: 1.5
  3. 101 - 250 gr: 3
  4. 251 - 500 gr: 6
  5. 501 - 1000 gr: 12
  6. Above: 20
The object sent to neighboring countries is called one unit price (p). Prices of other countries are multiplied with the given coefficients. For example, if a 200 grams box is sent to a neighboring country. The price is 3p. Or, if the same box is sent to Africa the price is 3*2*p.

Question: Write a program that gets the information for n postal objects and then prints the total amount of money collected.

Input specification
In the first line, you will be given two integers: The number of postal objects(n) and the unit post price. Then, in the following n lines you will be given information for n postal objects.

  • The weight of object in grams, an integer between 1 and 3,000
  • Country code: an integer between 1 and 6.
where 0 ≤ n ≤ 20,000.

Output specification:
Show one number with two digits precision.

Sample Input I
5 70
15 4
52 1
174 1
52 3
12 2
Sample Output I


  1. First box is 15 grams and it was sent to Asia or Africa: 70 * 1 * 2 = 140
  2. The second box is 52 grams and was sent to in country: 70 * 1.5 * 0.5 = 52.5
  3. The third box is: 105
  4. The fourth box is: 157.5
  5. The fifth box is: 70
And the total is 525 leke

Для отправки решений необходимо выполнить вход.
