Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб. Prepared by Arbli Troshani.
Last Digit of a Fibonacci Number
Your goal in this problem is to find the last digit of n-th
Fibonacci number. Recall that Fibonacci numbers grow
exponentially fast. For example,
F200 = 280 571 172 992 510 140 037 611 932
413 038 677 189 525
Question: Given an integer n,
find the last digit of the nth Fibonacci number
Fn› (that is, Fn mod 10).
Input specification
You will be given a number (n) first where n
is between 0 and 107.
Output specification
Show the last digit with the given criteria.
Sample Input I
Sample Output I
F331 = 66899.......186469
A standart algorithm may not work. Slight modification needed!
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