Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб. Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.
Number of letters
Question:Given a text, show the existing
letters with their frequencies. Read the text until the
end and show the number of occurrences for each letter
appearing. (Note:: Uppercase or lowercase
does not make any difference count C and c as the same).
Input specification:
You will be given a text possibly
containing letters, digits, and some special characters
from ASCII table (unknown number of lines of text).
Output specification:
Show only the letters and digits which are appearing
in the text with their number of occurrences.
Sample Input I |
Sample Input II |
Given a text
(Note 1: Uppercase or lowercase
it's the same).
Sample Output I |
Sample Output II |
A 1
E 2
G 1
I 1
N 1
T 2
V 1
X 1
A 3
C 2
E 7
H 1
I 1
L 1
M 1
N 1
O 3
P 2
R 3
S 4
T 3
U 1
W 1
1 1
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