Epoka Science Olympiad 2017 - 11th Grade |
Старт: 06.мая.2017 в 10:00:00
Финиш: 06.мая.2017 в 12:30:00
Турнир завершён!
• Турнирная таблица
Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
First Unique Character
Write a program to find the first occurrence of a unique character in a string.
For example, given a string: "aBcBcaAbBaAdAc", b and d are unique occurrences and b is the first one.
Input specification:
You will be given one line of string with at most 300 chars.
The string contains only letters and no special char.
Output specification:
Show the first unique character in the string.
If there is no unique character in the string,
show the message "No unique char found".
Sample Input |
Sample Output |
No unique char found
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