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Форумы > Обсуждение задач > тема:

Задача "50427 - Passed or Failed"

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imesecan31.авг.2015 в 14:12:18
0--- Test 1 ---
49 65 45

--- Pattern1 ---

imesecan16.ноя.2015 в 16:59:17
1(1: erhoxha15)
In the question it asks you to show only the message "Passed" or "Failed". In your code you are also showing student average.

Just read what is given and show what is asked.
Do not show anything else.

Can you please send your Epoka email to me?

imesecan21.ноя.2015 в 08:49:21
2When calculating averages you need to pay attention integer floating point operations. integer divided by integer does integer division operation. In integer division floating point part is omitted. For example in the expression:
float x;
x= 9 / 10;
x will be 0.

If you want to force to have floating point result, you need to typecast

float x;
x will be 0.9
